The National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture (NIPOS) was established by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic on the date 1st January 1991.

From the history

In 1905 “Svaz osvětový” /Culture Enlightenment Union/ was established at the instance of the then National Czech Council with the support of Czech political parties. That Union associated the most significant Czech unions, associations, clubs and other subjects, that realized in a variety of ways and in different areas the enlightenment, cultural and educational activities. The main task of the Union was particularly to coordinate activities of the organisations associated in the Union, to realize the organisational help, later to provide the educational and methodical activities.

In 1925 the “Svaz osvětový” was reorganized to the “Masarykův lidovýchovný ústav” /Masaryk’s Educational Institute/, that got relatively large-scale educational, conceptual and coordination tasks and that worked with the government support. Next changes of that institute were realized in the time of the Second World War and after the February Communist Putsch in 1948. In 50s the institute was reformed to the “Osvětový ústav” /The Enlightenment Institute/ and new institution were established in the same area, e.g. “Ústřední dům lidové umělecké tvořivosti” /The Central House of People’s Art Creativity/, that was integrated in 1971 with the “Osvětový ústav” to “Ústav pro kulturně výchovnou činnost” /The Institute for Cultural Educational Activities/. In 1991 the “Ústav pro kulturně výchovnou činnost” was transformed to IPOS – “Informační a poradenské středisko pro místní kulturu” /Information and Consulting Centre for Local Culture/. With effect from 4th May 2004 on the basis of the Ministry of Culture Order No 2/04 the name of “Informační a poradenské středisko pro místní kulturu” has been changed to the new one: “Národní informační a poradenské středisko pro kulturu” /National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture/ (the abbreviation: NIPOS).

From the Institutional Paper of NIPOS

The basic mission of NIPOS is the support of cultural development, in particular in the field of culture-social and creative citizen activities both local and regional, in view of non professional culture activities and copyright matters, information service and expert consultations for both authorities and employees of local government, state administration, civic associations, legal and physical entities and other subjects, operating in the field of local and regional culture, namely on the basis of systematic using of theoretical and practical findings of analytic and research activities in the culture, of the own research and with use of professional knowledge in various branches of culture activities. The professional activity of NIPOS is focused on the obtaining and analysis of the knowledge about the general role and position of the public culture services in the field of socio-economic development of regions. NIPOS is a professional workplace.

Director of NIPOS: Mgr. Lenka Lázňovská
Email:, Phone: +420 221 507 935


is a department for non-professional artistic activities. ARTAMA offers and provides the professional service in various areas of the non-professional art and children’s aesthetic activities, organizes or guarantees workshops and seminars, festivals, competitions, it collects documentation, provides the comprehensive information about non-professional art, elaborates the professional expert opinions for local government and self government authorities, cooperates with corporations, civic associations, cultural institutions, with schools and school facilities. ARTAMA offers professional consultations, elaboration of projects of events, dramaturgy consultancy and contacts to experts in specific fields.

Department Manager: Ing. Pavlína Čermáková, Phone: +420 221 507 964

CIK Department

(The Centre of Information and Statistics on Culture) by deputy of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic provides for the statistical service for the entire area of the culture under the rule of the Law No 89/1995 Coll. about the government statistical service, as amended, with the compliance to the international recommendations and requests, namely in the cooperation with the Czech Statistical Office. On the basis of statistical investigation the department collects, processes and distributes information on the wide range of cultural subjects of local, regional and national importance, inclusive the state government and self government authorities of the municipalities and cities and the civic associations. The gained information is made accessible to the state government authorities, to cultural subjects and to other interested persons via information unit registers and other built databases. CIK provides for the activity of the public library with the specialized library collection, the catalogue is accessible on-line to all users. It contains over 10 thousand book entries from culture areas, about the professional art, non-professional artistic activities, social sciences, culture economics and legislation, farther processes annually statistical data about the activities of cultural institutions, associations, etc. The unique part of the library are publications and journals about the enlightenment activity, topography titles and other documents published from 1905 after the establishing of the “Svaz osvětový” and then after 1925 (the creation of the “Masarykův lidovýchovný ústav”.

Department Manager: Ing. Milan Dedera, Phone: +420 778 702 494

KAM Department

(Strategy and Planning in Culture) was established in July 2012. The department analyses and researches expert and strategic documents in the field of culture. Besides tasks from NIPOS and the Ministry of Culture it develops individual projects, organizes educative seminars including expert involvement and offers legal advice related to culture. The department is linked to other cultural institutions at home and abroad.

Department Manager: PhDr. Jindřiška Gregoriniová, Phone: +420 221 507 949

The Editorial Offices of “Místní kultura”

is the editor of the journal “Místní kultura” /The Local Culture/, its internet version and “@informační servis pro místní a regionální kulturu” /@Informational Service for the Local and Regional Culture/. The monthly periodical “Místní kultura” monitors the cultural life, its condition and problems in places and regions; it brings information, experiences for inspiration and commentary on the approach of the self government and state administration to the local and regional culture in small villages, bigger communities and in the big cities. It published information about the work and problems of cultural institutions, of civic associations and undertakers of various orientations. “@informační servis” bears current news from the area of the culture (grants, festivals, conferences, etc.).

Department Manager: Lenka Krejzová, Phone: +420 221 507 923

Economic Department

fulfils tasks for NIPOS in the area of the national budget, state financial statement, financial reporting inclusive the own accounting service. It provides activities in the area of works and wages according to the valid wage regulations, to the Labour Code, to the Employment Act and to other related acts and regulations.

Department Manager: Mgr. Hana Kyjovská, Phone: +420 221 507 937

Building Service and Maintenance Department

provides and realizes building service and utility activities for NIPOS inclusive related economic and administrative activities and fulfils tasks in the area of investment construction and property management.

Information and Communication Technologies Department (ICT)

is responsible for the operation of the computer equipment of NIPOS, it projects and later realizes the optimization of the design inclusive the equipment for both the individual workplaces of NIPOS and for NIPOS as a whole according to their needs. It participates on the purchasing of information technology for NIPOS; it provides for the network management and for the technology management of NIPOS databases; it provides for the technology and formal care of the web site of the organization. 

Department Manager: Tomáš Bašus, Phone +420 221 507 901

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